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Mostrando Ocurrencias para: sugar cane

aikat pronunciación

I. N

1. food,plant sugar cane , [ESP] Cana de azucar
Ejemplo de Frase-Phrase example:
  • Ngarang ki maakuru? Aikat taalingi naakru.
    Where were you? I was in between the cane.

2. plant cane


  • Etnográfica:
    Any kind of edible cane but there are a number of different kinds. Usually mashed by hand in a homemade wooden press and strained through a skomfra cap (part of the skomfra palm that resembles a brown strainer) to extract the juice. Makes a very refreshing drink, especially when lime juice is squeezed into it. Used also to make alcoholic drinks. Also chewed on to suck the sweet juice, especially if you can't, or don't want to press it.
  • Léxica:
    Not to be confounded with 'ai kaat' (corn cob). 'aikat' is also used as generic name for canes.